“The Blue Ribbons’ latest album, 2024’s “Forever, But Not For Long,” has plenty of pop hooks. Or rather, it had plenty of them before the band took sledgehammers and scalpels to most of the pretty bits. Muddy Ruckus is a “darkly inventive” rock duo according to the New York Music Daily.
Cantrell embodies the conviction of a modern woman singing country music.
Massachusetts-based ‘writer song-singer’ Heather Maloney headlines the Me and Thee with selections from her new album ‘Exploding Star.’
Flying Vipers emerged from a basement lair outside Boston Mass in 2015, releasing a couple cassette EPs worth of raw yet highly melodic dub (The Green Tape and The Copper Tape).
The Cadleys have been entertaining audiences throughout Upstate New York and New England with their powerful mix of traditional bluegrass and “new acoustic” a la Alison Krauss. Their music has been captured on six CDs—two with John and The Lost Boys, two John and Cathy duet albums, and two solo projects featuring John’s songwriting. Their live…
Powerful and energetic bluegrass with an authentic East Tennessee feel returns to the Belleville Stage, 2023 IBMA award winners … Vocal Group of the Year and New Artist of the Year!