24/7 Music Streams

“So, do you like Celtic music?” Whenever I ask someone that question, I can count on one of three responses, says WUMB’s Celtic Twilight’s host Gail Gilmore – 1) What is that? Or, 2) I love it! Or, 3) sorry, no!

Growing up in an Irish-American household, I was beguiled by my grandmother’s and great-aunt’s stories and songs about Donegal and Galway. And every Saturday, I faithfully listened to the AM radio Irish programs while doing the weekend chores. My childhood phonograph record collection consisted of every Clancy Brothers LP, Beatles 45’s and old 78’s, and the big band music of my parents. I have very happy family memories that I associate with listening to Irish music as a child.

My appreciation of Celtic music grew tenfold in the mid-1980’s when I discovered a new FM radio station. It was called WUMB. On Saturday evenings, a program named Celtic Twilight played such brilliant songs and tunes that I was hooked from the first listen! I would plan my Saturday evenings so that I would not miss the show. The program introduced me to great bands-the Bothy Band, Silly Wizard and the Boys of the Lough, and to singers and songs I’d never heard on AM radio. WUMB opened up a new world of Celtic music that seemed deeper, richer and more profound than I’d ever known.

Now, some 20 years later, Celtic Twilight is still a fixture on WUMB each week Sundays from 4-7pm, and I am very fortunate be your host! Tune in and give it a listen if you haven’t already done so.

I hope you enjoy listening to our Celtic music here on Celtic Journey. Whether you listen to my weekly live show or our 24/7 internet channel, I hope you support WUMB!