Music Calendar Submissions

Registering and Submitted Listings for the WUMB Music Calendar

For many years the WUMB Music Calendar has listed performances across the WUMB listening area by artists whose music is heard regularly on WUMB. An extensive collection of upcoming performances can be viewed on the searchable WUMB Music Calendar on our website and a selection of upcoming performances is read live on air several times daily. Live performances are both the lifeblood of many of the artists played on WUMB and a cultural touchstone of the communities in our listening area, one of the most unique and vibrant music scenes anywhere in the United States. Here at WUMB we are proud of the important resource the WUMB Music Calendar has been in connecting all of the performers, venues, and presenters in our listening area with our community of WUMB listeners.

Registering for a Calendar User Account

Registering for a calendar user account allows performers, presenters, and venues to submit listings for the WUMB Music Calendar. Once registered calendar users can submit listings for both live and virtual performances. Registering for a calendar user account is easy, when you are ready to get started please visit our registration form.

Logging In to your Calendar User Account

Once you have created your Calendar User Account you can login to your account by clicking the login button in the header of the WUMB website to go to our login page. On the login form enter the email address and password you selected when you registered for your account. Check the remember me checkbox if you would like your browser to keep you logged in the next time you return to the site, when this box is checked you will stay logged in for up to two weeks or until you logout by clicking the logout button in the website header. Be careful only to use this setting on your own personal computer or tablet/phone. When using a shared and/or public computer or other device you should not use the remember me checkbox as it could give someone else access to your account.

Once you have successfully logged into your account you will be taken into the admin panel. In the admin panel you will have access to three menus for managing your calendar content:

  1. Calendar Listings: Menu for managing your calendar listings.
  2. Calendar Venues: Menu for managing your calendar venues.
  3. Profile: Menu for managing your profile with your account information.

On desktop devices or other full sized screens these three menus will be in the left sidebar. On tablet/mobile devices these three menus can be accessed using the menu icon in the admin bar at the top of the screen. See below for more information on using each of these three menus to manage your calendar content.

To log out of your account you have two options:

  1. When you are logged in both in the admin panel and while browsing other pages on the site you will see an admin bar at the top of your screen. In the upper right hand corner of the admin bar click on the user icon and select Log Out from the menu.
  2. While browsing any page outside the admin panel on the site you can click the Logout button in the site header.

Adding a Calendar Venue

If you have not added a calendar venue yet, the first step you will want to take in your account is to add your venue information. In the Calendar Venues menu click on the Add New Venue link. This will bring you to the add screen for Calendar Venues.

On the add screen fill out the form with your venue information. Please be sure to follow the field notes for each entry field. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk, all other fields are optional (though the more information you enter the better).

Once you have filled in your venue information next look for the Publish meta box. The Publish meta box will be in the upper right hand corner of the screen on desktop devices or other full sized screens, and will be directly below the add form on tablet/mobile devices. In the Publish meta box you have three options:

  1. Click the Save as Draft button to save your venue entry as a draft. Use this option if you are not ready to submit your venue entry for review and wish to come back later to finish editing.
  2. Click the Preview button to preview what your venue entry will look like when viewed on the site.
  3. Click the the Send for Review button to save your venue entry and send it to our moderator for review.

All new Calendar Venues need to be reviewed and approved by our moderator. You will not be able to enter Calendar Listings until this process has been completed by our moderator. We do our best to review all new Calendar Venues within 24 hours, however sometimes the review process may take longer. Thanks in advance for your patience.

You will receive an email from our moderator once your Calendar Venue has been approved. Once approved you can being submitting Calendar Listings for your venue, your venue will appear under the venues field when creating new listings. Note that once approved our moderator takes over ownership of the venue information, you will not be able to directly edit your venue from the Calendar Venues menu in your account. If you need to edit your venue information please send an email with the subject WUMB Music Calendar Venue Information to [email protected].

Adding a Calendar Listing

In the Calendar Listings menu click on the Add New Listing link. This will bring you to the add screen for Calendar Listings.

On the add screen fill out the form with your listing information. Please be sure to follow the field notes for each entry field. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk, all other fields are optional (though the more information you enter the better).

Continue reading below for a few notes you may wish to reference when filling out the add form.

Location Type

The location type field lets you choose whether the performance is an in person or virtual performance.

If you select in person for location type, the Venue field becomes available where you can select the venue for the performance. This field uses predictive text. When you click on the field you can start typing the name of your venue in the search box which appears at the top of the venues list, so you don’t need to scroll down through the entire list. As noted above if the venue you want is not on the list, you must enter your venue information under the Calendar Venues menu first and submit it for review and approval by our moderator.

If you select virtual for location type, two new fields become available for virtual events. In the Presenter field enter the name of the presenter of the virtual performance. This can be either the name of the organization/venue/club/series etc presenting the event or a first and last name for self presented performances. In the Virtual Url field enter the address for the virtual performance. This address can be the address for watching the performance, for purchasing tickets, or for more information about the performance. Please use the Performance Notes field below to enter additional information as needed on how people should access the performance.

Performance Date

The Performance Date field is a date picker field allowing you to set the date and time of the performance. For performances with multiple acts the time should be set to the time the first act takes the stage. Note that for multi-day performances you must create a separate listing for each date of the performance.

Performance Type

The Performance Type field is used to select the type of performance. Select single for performances with a single act, then enter the headlining performer in the Headlining Performer field.

Select multiple for performances with multiple acts. Enter the name of the headlining performer in the Headlining Performer field. Then in the performers field enter the performer name, set time, and an optional artist website for each performer (including the headlining performer). Use the Add Performer to add additional rows as needed. Once added you may drag and drop each performer into the order you want them displayed, place your mouse over the number at the left edge of the row to drag and drop. To remove a row click the minus icon which appears when you hover your mouse over the right gutter of the row you wish to remove.

Select festival for music festivals. Enter the name of the festival in the Festival Name field. Then follow the instructions above for entering the performers and set times.

Performance Notes

The Performance Notes field can be used to enter a short description and/or notes for the performance. While not required it is recommended to populate this field with a short description of the performers, the performance venue/series/festival, and additional relevant information for people coming to the performance.

Contact Information

Each listing has three optional fields for contact information:

  1. Contact Name: The name of the contact person for the performance.
  2. Contact Email: Email address of the contact person for the performance.
  3. Contact Phone: Phone number of the contact person for the performance.

When entered this contact information will be displayed publicly with your listing. Populate these fields when you want to provide contact information to the public. These values do not need to populated for every listing, only for those where you want contact info to be displayed publicly.

Listing Types

The Listing Types meta box contains some general categories for the type of music being presented at the performance. Please check any of the categories which apply to the performance. The Listing Types meta box will be in the right column of the screen on desktop devices or other full sized screens, and will be directly below the add form on tablet/mobile devices.

Saving your Listing

Once you have finished filling in the add form, please follow the same instructions outlined above for saving venues for saving your listing using the Publish meta box. When your listing is saved for review it will be reviewed by our moderator. You will receive an email from our moderator once your listing has been approved. Note that listings submitted are for consideration only, and are not automatically added to the calendar. Please do not submit your event more than once. If you have questions about a listing you submitted please contact our moderator by email at [email protected].

Calendar Listings Menu

Once your listing has been approved all listings you have been submitted from your account will be listed under the Calendar Listings menu. To view your listings click on the All Listings link under the Calendar Listings menu. The All Listings screen lists all of your listings in a table with columns for the title (headlining performer or festival name followed by the performance date), the author (email address for your account), the date and time the listing was published, and the performance date.

Listings can be sorted in three ways:

  1. Sort alphabetically by title by clicking the header for the Title column.
  2. Sort by date published by clicking the header for the Date column.
  3. Sort by performance date by clicking the header for Performance Date.

With all three options click the the column header a second time to switch from ascending to descending order.

Editing a Calendar Listing

To edit a calendar listing hover your mouse over the title of the listing. Click the edit link to go to the edit screen for the listing. On the edit screen you can edit any of the listing information you had previous entered. Once you have finished editing click on the Update button in the Publish meta box to save.

Note that when updates are saved your listing is not held for moderation and your edits will immediately appear on the site. However your edits will still be reviewed by our moderator. Any inappropriate content will be removed and your account may be suspended if warranted. Please be considerate in using your account.

Viewing a Listing

To view a listing as it appears on the web site hover your mouse over the title of the listening and click the view link.

Deleting a Listing

Deleting a listing is a two step process. First hover your mouse over the title of the listing you want to delete then click the trash link. This moves the listing to the trash. Listings in the trash are removed from appearing publicly on the website, but are not yet permanently deleted. Directly after you move a listing to the trash you will see an alert message with an undo link you can click to restore the listing and move it out of the trash.

To view listings currently in the trash click on the trash link at the top of the Calendar Listings Menu. Hover your mouse over the title of the listing reveals the following actions:

  1. Click the restore link to restore the listing and move it out of the trash.
  2. Click the delete permanently link to delete the listing permanently. This cannot be undone and the listing will be removed from your account entirely.

You can also use the bulk actions menu with both actions to process multiple listings at once. To use the bulk actions method follow these steps:

  1. Check the checkbox next to any of the listings you want to process in bulk.
  2. In the bulk actions menu select the action you want to apply, either restore or delete permanently.
  3. Click the apply button to apply the action to all of the checked listings.

Please do not store listings in the trash indefinitely. It is recommended to use the delete permanently action to empty your trash regularly. Only use the trash for short term storage.