
** Please note: You may have to refresh your browser after logging in. Sometimes it takes a refresh for the browser to remember your logged-in status.**

WUMB Member Login

If you are a WUMB member, enter your email address and password to log in and access the full member content including audio archives of concerts and interviews, and weekly giveaways.

If this is your first time logging in, please click on the Lost Password link above to reset your password and create a new one.

If the website does not recognize your email, we may not have the correct one on file. Please contact the Membership Office at wumb.membership@umb.edu.

If you need to update your email address please contact the membership office by email at wumb.membership@umb.edu or phone at (617) 287-6902.

Calendar User Login

If you are a Calendar User, please enter your email and password to manage your calendar listings.
You may update your profile by clicking the profile tab from within your account.