Calendar Listings

Celebrity Photographer Allan Dines

Thursday November 18, 2021 7:00 pm

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From 1992-2006, Allan Dines photographed hundreds of celebrities in some of the most iconic venues in Boston and surrounding areas. Legends from the world of music, movies, television, sports and more were captured by Allan’s camera. And almost every photo has a story to go with it.

These photos will be available in Allan’s upcoming book, Front Row Center: How I Met Everyone, but on Thursday, November 18th at 7pm, you can hear Allan talk about what went in to the shooting of those iconic photos and view many of them (as well as others) on the Regent Theatre’s big screen.

Tickets for this great evening are free, but due to limited availability you have to reserve them online. Longtime radio personality Jordan Rich will serve as moderator for this special evening, which will conclude with a book signing by Allan Dines.