
We are pleased to announce that our own beloved Kate Campbell is signing on as a Music Co-Director.

Kate says,

“Hey, all y’all SAMW/Winter Weekend/Music Camp-WUMB people out there! I am very excited to be joining Lorraine Hammond as Music Co-Director in 2022! WUMB Radio has played my music from the first recording “Songs From The Levee,” and first invited me to participate in SAMW exactly 20 years ago in 2002. I am truly honored and grateful and can’t hardly wait to pack my truck!”

Kate really knows what makes SAMW extraordinary, and all y’all who already know Kate will understand how fine a move this is. We are delighted.

~ Lorraine Hammond
SAMW C0-Music Director

~ Patty Domeniconi
WUMB General Manager; Acoustic Music Camps Director