
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Regent Theatre, 7 Medford St, Arlington, MA
Show starts at 7:00pm (doors at 6:00pm)

WUMB is delighted to present a Member Concert with Hubby Jenkins and Justin Golden.
WUMB Members can reserve seats for free by contacting the Membership Office at or (617) 287-6902. See reservation details below.

For directions to the venue, click here:



Hubby Jenkins is a talented multi-instrumentalist who endeavors to share his love and knowledge of old-time American music. Born and raised in Brooklyn he delved into his Southern roots, following the thread of African American history that wove itself through country blues, ragtime, fiddle and banjo, and traditional jazz. Hubby got his higher musical education started as a busker. He developed his guitar and vocal craft on the sidewalks and subway platforms of New York City, performing material by those venerable artists whose work he was quickly absorbing. An ambitiously itinerant musician, he took his show on the road, playing the streets, coffee shops, bars, and house parties of cities around the U.S.

After years of busking around the country and making a name for himself, Hubby became acquainted with the Carolina Chocolate Drops. He was an integral part of the Grammy award winning Carolina Chocolate Drops (2010 – 2016), as well as a member of Rhiannon Giddens band. Today he spreads his knowledge and love of old-time American music and history through his dynamic solo performances.



Blues isn’t just twelve bars and a hard luck story. On his debut record, Hard Times and a Woman, guitarist and songwriter Justin Golden showcases the full breadth of the genre and its downstream influences, everything from country blues to Americana, soul, indie roots and beyond.

It’s not many artists who learn to play the blues in a dream, but for Golden, the music had been percolating in his subconscious for years before he started playing.

Though Golden’s influences range far and wide, the blues will never be far from his heart. That’s because he doesn’t see the tradition as limiting, but rather a musical form open to any emotion. “The blues is not a box,” he says. “They try to make it seem like it’s just twelve bars or it’s gotta be sad or it’s gotta be this or that, but if you listen to so much old pre-war blues, there are so many feelings involved. There’s happy blues, sad blues, just got paid and spent all my money blues, gonna go see my girl late at night blues, there’s blues for anything. It doesn’t have to be a specific form or feeling, it can be whatever you want it to be, but you know it when you hear it.”


If you are already a WUMB Member (at a minimum of $84 annually or $7 per month) you and one guest can attend upcoming member concerts for free (space permitting) by calling in your reservation at (617) 287-6902 or sending us an email at Please include your Name, Member Number (if known), either Daytime Phone or Email, and the Number of Seats you would like to reserve. Please note that the number of seats you are able to reserve is contingent upon your level of membership and the higher your level of membership, the more guests you can bring for free. More information about membership and benefits can be found on our membership page.

If you leave a voicemail or send an email, you will receive a call back or confirmation reply within 2 business days. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us again as we may not have received your request.

If you have questions about your membership benefits, contact our membership office by phone at (617) 287-6902 or by email at Remember that seating is limited, so make your reservations early. Please tell us immediately if you need to cancel your reservations so that others will be able to attend.

If you are not already a member of WUMB Radio, or if your membership has lapsed,  please Join or Renew today!